萬多元一瓶葡萄酒貴不貴,毫無疑問,極之昂貴。值不值得,這倒難答了。說真的,很難想像有甚麼飲品值得花費萬多元去飲,但飲了之後,心底又覺得絕對物有所值?! 當我以為自己都算喝過不少的好酒,昨天才明白甚麼叫天外有天,人外有人! 這一瓶 1969 Dom Perignon Oenotheque,絕對是我至今喝過最好的葡萄酒!

這瓶 1969 年的香檳,在瓶內進行第二次發酵後,便一直在 Dom Perignon 存放陳年,一放就三,四十年! 直到 2006 年才進行香檳拔塞 (disgorgement),每瓶拔塞的香檳都會試飲,測試其品質,以確保每瓶出廠的香檳都以最佳品質出廠。

這瓶香檳一下杯,我已被它的魔力所征服! 既強烈又清新收斂。味道既陳年又年靑。可能你開始感到疑惑,我說的好像充滿矛盾,但這瓶酒就是這麼神奇,充滿矛盾,但又極為平衡和融和,一方面充滿力量,另一方面又鬆容不迫,極致的優雅。它的的確確擁有之前喝過 Jacques SelosseKrug 1985 等再些蜂蜜和乾水果的味道,但這 1969 Dom Perignon Oenotheque 卻比它們感覺年青很多,很像一瓶年輕但擁有陳年香檳特質的極品香檳。但在我腦海裡不斷湧現的葡萄酒,卻不是香檳,而是白葡萄酒之王 Montrachet! 它的香氣和強烈程度,真的很像之前喝過的 2002 Henri Boillot Montrachet,但相比之下,這一瓶來得更加強烈,但又更為優雅。

如果要我給予分數,我會給這瓶酒 99 分。為甚麼不是一百分呢? 我很希望未來有機會喝更強的佳釀,一百分還是保留住。但無論如何,這瓶葡萄酒帶給我的滿足感,絕非筆墨能夠形容,甚至令我有今生無悔的感覺!

Make the “best wine in the world”
Dom Pierre Perignon, 1668

Three centuries later, Dom Perignon Oenotheque is the supreme homage to this original ambition.  It took no fewer than 37 years of aging on its lees to allow this vintage to reach its optimum complexity.  To ensure its excellence, each bottle was tasted and approved by a Dom Perignon oenologist, the final step before leaving our cellars.

Dom Perignon Oenotheque is the ultimate expression of a wine whose style defies time.

Weather conditions were unstable and difficult throughout the year.  Flowering was late and came at a time of frequent, severe storms.  The dry, sunny spell in September meant that the grape harvest could finally begin on 1 October.

The bouquet is complex, concentrated and dark, with hints of candied citrus fruits, bitter chocolate, leather and dried flowers.  The effect on the palate is powerful and frank, against a profound and austere background.  The wine remains somewhat closed, before finally revealing its impeccable structure.  The finish is astonishing fruity (blueberry).

購自 Ponti Wine Cellar (HK$12,888)

2 Responses to “我被完全征服了! 至今飲過最好的一瓶葡萄酒 – 1969 Dom Perignon Oenotheque”

  1. Martin says:

    Dear Sir,

    I would like to know where to buy this one, thanks.


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